Data Perks


Data Perks (5)Data Perks, brought to you by AT&T and Aquto, makes it easy for AT&T customers on an eligible plan to earn extra data and transfer it to their wireless plan. More data equals more fun on your phone.

With Data Perks, the equation is simple: Take surveys, shop, sign up for subscriptions and more from popular brands to earn data, measured in megabytes (MB). Your earned data is added to your Data Perks account. Each bill period, you can transfer up to 1,000 earned MB from your Data Perks account to your AT&T smartphone line for that line to use within your current bill period.* Use your earned data to enjoy videos, music, and more.

*Transferred data is used and expires within the bill period transferred. See below for additional app details.

Earn extra MB by completing offers featured on the app.
Taking surveys, signing up for subscriptions, and shopping are all ways you can earn extra data.
Transfer up to 1,000 MB per bill cycle to the AT&T smartphone line registered with the app.

*Android smartphone running OS 4.0 and above
*An eligible AT&T postpaid consumer wireless plan that includes data

Learn more at
Try the app today, and we’ll give you 25MB to get started. Go ahead, start earning now!
Data Perks: Data may only be earned, transferred & used by the individual smartphone line registered with the app. It cannot be shared. Earned data begins to expire if app not used for 12 consecutive months or with app cancellation. Data Transfers: Data transferred from app is used within the bill period transferred & prior to monthly plan data. Unused transferred data automatically expires at the end of the bill period transferred or with certain plan changes (such as switching to an ineligible plan). Transferred data is for domestic use only. Data Rates: Data rates may apply to app download & usage. Offers: App features third-party offers subject to each merchant’s offer terms & conditions. AT&T is not responsible for third-party products or services. App offers & terms of use are subject to change & app may be discontinued at any time without notice.





Version 1.0.8 can access:
  • find accounts on the device
  • find accounts on the device
  • send SMS messages
  • read phone status and identity
Wi-Fi connection information
  • view Wi-Fi connections
Device ID & call information
  • read phone status and identity
  • receive data from Internet
  • full network access
  • view network connections
  • prevent device from sleeping
  • control vibration

Size: 5 MB
Version: 1.0.8
