Smart Shopper

Smart Shopper (1)



Smart Shopper is the best free Windows Phone 8 app that lets you manage your shopping list easily. It allows you to add notes to items, keep a favorite list, compare items during shopping to find the best value for money etc. Not only that, now you can sync your list with other Windows Phone 8 devices and also backup/restore your list via Skydrive. The only free shopping list app with these capabilities!

“I don’t remember what my wife told me specifically about this item!”
Now add notes your items

“I was supposed to buy groceries yesterday!”
Don’t miss shopping day add shopping reminders.

“How do I add your shopping list to my Smart Shopper?”
Sync with other Windows Phone 8 devices via Bluetooth.

“I lost all my favorite items in Smart Shopper!”
Backup and Restore your shopping list via Skydrive.

“Ok now, which one of these items is cheaper?”
Compare the items on the fly!



Download size

1 MB

Last updated



Works with

  • Windows Phone 8

App requires

  • media playback
  • data services
  • Proximity
  • movement and directional sensor
  • HD720P (720×1280)
  • WVGA (480×800)
  • WXGA (768×1280)

Supported languages (2)

EnglishEnglish (United States)
