Feed Reader

Feed Reader (1)


Take control of all your news feeds with Feed Reader, the most full featured customizable RSS News Reader for Windows Phone.

Now with support for NewsBlur. Visit http://www.newsblur.com to create an account and import your Google Reader feeds.

Support for audibly interacting with this app. Just say “Feed Reader Read News” and the app will start reading you all your news. You can interact saying an action like ‘Next’, or ‘Details’. Great for having your news read to you in your car.


Top Features:
• Support for Google Reader, NewsBlur or direct RSS feeds
• Speech enabled to listen to your commands while having your news read to you
• Have your news audibly read to you in one of 17 languages
• Integrated Full Twitter client to do everything you can do with the latest Twitter clients
• Built in Podcast apps, to subscribe and play to audio/video Podcasts
• Built in “Read it Later” Client to read and manage all your bookmarked URLs

Other Features:
• Full offline support, sync your news while online then read while disconnected from the net
• live tile pinning and background tasks to keep live tile updated with unread counts
• Full ad supported trial version
• YouTube video support
• Full feed management (search/subscribe/unsubscribe/rename/move)
• Social Integration with Twitter, Facebook, Pocket and Instapaper
• Star/Email/SMS/Mark Unread or open in browser any feed item
• Extensive customizable settings including adjustable font sizes, detail length & sync settings
• Feeds/folders can be quickly marked as read
• Google/Instapaper Mobilizer
• HTTPS support

Release 3.45
• Fixed caching of read articles when NewsBlur offline mode is on and there is no internet connectivity. The next time is syncs successfully it will mark those stories as read.
• Google Reader starred items fixed

Release 3.44
• Several NewsBlur fixes including Offline support

Release 3.43
• Beta support for NewsBlur



Download size

3 MB

Last updated



Works with

  • Windows Phone 8
  • Windows Phone 7.5

App requires

  • owner identity
  • photo, music, and video libraries
  • data services
  • movement and directional sensor
  • camera
  • WVGA (480×800)
  • location services
  • media playback
  • microphone
  • speech
  • HD720P (720×1280)
  • WXGA (768×1280)

Supported languages (21)

češtinadanskDeutschΕλληνικάEnglishEspañol (España, alfabetización internacional)suomifrançaismagyaritaliano日本語한국어norsk (bokmål)Nederlandspolskiportuguês (Brasil)português (Portugal)русскийsvenska中文(简体)中文(繁體)
