
NewsSpot (1)



NewsSpot now supports feedly, NewsBlur, The Old Reader & FeedHQ!

NewsSpot is your app to sync your articles as quick as a wink, store text and images for offline reading and search your articles in a gorgeous and modern way.

Its advanced engine delivers a two-way synchronization for your unread and starred articles, which only syncs what needs to be synced. Already stored hundreds of starred articles? NewsSpot will download them once and never again. It caches articles as well as images for later offline reading.
Ever wanted to search your starred articles? Ever been interested in a specific topic of your reading-list? No problem with NewsSpot. Just use the built-in search, it will instantly filter your articles to what you’ve searched.
Want to share or bookmark your articles? Use one of the multiple options available in NewsSpot, such as Pocket, Instapaper, Twitter, Facebook, Readability™, Evernote®, Delicious and many more!

Other features include:

– Manage multiple sync accounts in one app
– Read whole articles in a beautiful Readability™ view
– Open YouTube or Marketplace links from within the application
– Change the read or starred status of an article within a list by using our quick actions
– Swipe or tap while viewing article to display the next or previous one
– Choose from three different themes: light, dark and golden white

The trial version of NewsSpot is ad-supported and lets you sync at a max 200 unread and 50 starred articles. Buy the full version to sync up to 2000 unread or starred articles.



Download size

4 MB

Last updated



Works with

  • Windows Phone 8
  • Windows Phone 7.5

App requires

  • phone identity
  • owner identity
  • photo, music, and video libraries
  • data services
  • movement and directional sensor
  • WVGA (480×800)
  • media playback
  • HD720P (720×1280)
  • WXGA (768×1280)
  • $1.99(full version)

Supported languages (3)

DeutschEnglish (United States)italiano