Book Pace

Book Pace (1)


Book Pace will help you to manage books that you are reading or should be reading, push you to finish that dusty book on your nightstand or bookshelf and read even more!

With Book Pace you set a goal date to finish a book and will be able to see how much you should be reading daily and how far ahead or behind that goal you stand. You will get a reminder when a new book should be started and will see precious information directly on app tile.

You will compete against people around the world to see who reads more, with a online leaderboard.

Are you a real bookworm? So keep the Book Pace!

Last Changes:


You can now backup/restore all your data to SkyDrive!

You are now able to share (Facebook, Twitter, etc…) some information from your summary page and when you start or finish a book.

Leaderboard list now have a “infinite scroll” look.

Some small new pieces of information and a highlight in ‘reading now’ and ‘to read’ pages.
You can now remove a finished book (history), but that will impact your summary info and leaderboard position.

‘Reading now’ books will be ordered by most recente date and paused books will be at the end of the list.

About backup/restore: I highly recommend you to backup your data, regularly, but use the restore option just if you really have to (basically if you wipe your phone data or buy a new one), it was tested, but the ultimate test will be right now on the field, so if you restored your data and found some bug, please contact me ASAP.



Download size

3 MB

Last updated



Works with

  • Windows Phone 8
  • Windows Phone 7.5

App requires

  • phone identity
  • owner identity
  • photo, music, and video libraries
  • data services
  • movement and directional sensor
  • HD720P (720×1280)
  • WVGA (480×800)
  • WXGA (768×1280)

Supported languages (1)

English (United States)
