Design Me

Design Me (1)


*****Design your life with “Design Me”*****

“Design Me” is a powerful tool to design your life.
Design your future and keep your moments with “Design Me”.

+Intelligent Calendar
-A calendar with read/write sync possibilities for Outlook/Google/Facebook
-RSVP to events in Facebook
-easily recognize progress and stutus of schedules
-forecast weather when schedule is upcoming
-long term sync period(3 years)
-add categories and attach ‘to do’ and place note data to a schedule
-montly calendars are filtered by the schedule’s importance
+Alarm: Simply set an alarm
+Weather: 5 days and houly weather forecast with beautiful animation(support livetile)
+From the past: Meet with quotes enlighten you daily
+Live Note: You can a leave pictures, videos, voices, places, ideas and emotions easily to ‘live note’ at any moment

Trial version will expire after 5 days.

Release history


+Google calendar intergration
-add/edit/delete events(even recurring events)
+Facebook calendar intergration
-RSVP to an event in Facebook
-friend’s birthday calendar
+Sync period goes up to 3 years(future and past)
+New features and UI improvements on schedule viewer
-progress and stutus of schedules
-forecast weather when schedule is upcoming
-directly edit to-do and memo at schedule viewer page.
-easier view attached place note
-easier attach place note when add/edit schedule
-UI improvements
+Syncing stutus of the app
+New calendar type(event calendar) support
+New option to show events in month calendar
+Fix some bugs
+Some UI improvements
+Support new language(Vietnamese)



Download size

9 MB

Last updated



Works with

  • Windows Phone 8

App requires

  • appointments
  • phone identity
  • video and still capture
  • location services
  • maps
  • music library
  • photos library
  • media playback
  • microphone
  • data services
  • movement and directional sensor
  • web browser component
  • HD720P (720×1280)
  • WVGA (480×800)
  • WXGA (768×1280)
  • $1.99(full version)

Supported languages (17)

DeutschEnglishEnglish (United States)españolEspañol (España, alfabetización internacional)françaisitaliano日本語한국어Portuguêsportuguês (Portugal)русскийTürkçeTiếng Việt中文中文(简体)中文(繁體)
