MEGA Privacy

MEGA Privacy (1)


MEGA: The Privacy Company


Here at MEGA, you are in charge of your data. Neither MEGA, your Internet provider, a search engine, your insurance company or a government can access it. If you want to share it, it’s up to you (and you only).



The secret sauce to ensure that your stuff on MEGA stays private is technically called “encryption”. We have a number of smart people to ensure that encryption is done properly, and you are the only one in charge of your stuff.

Platform Choice

MEGA is available on Windows Phone, Android, iOS and more. On your desktop, MEGA needs to use HTML5 compatible browsers to ensure your stuff remains safe. We recommend Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.


We’re the first to provide a whopping 50 GB of storage space to our customers for free. You can also get more if you decide to buy. But let’s just get you started on the juicy 50 GB already.
Updated name to MEGA Privacy, minor bugs fixed.


App Screenshots


Download size

5 MB

Last updated



Works with

  • Windows Phone 8.1
  • Windows Phone 8

App requires

  • video and still capture
  • music library
  • photos library
  • media playback
  • data services
  • movement and directional sensor
  • web browser component
  • HD720P (720×1280)
  • WVGA (480×800)
  • WXGA (768×1280)

Supported languages (1)

English (United States)



Sohon posts while he is cycling.