Get Shit Done!

Get Shit Done! (1)Description

*** Featured on Lifehacker, Gizmodo and Android Police. BOOM! ***

How often have you started working on something, fully motivated, and after a few hours realised that all you have done is watch funny cat videos and browse Facebook? Are you tired of procrastinating all the time? Do you need help getting your productivity up? This apps helps you to get that shit done!

Using the motivation you have before you start working this tool let’s you set your goals and time in which you want to be done. No more distraction, just one mission. By dividing your goal into subgoals, setting consequences for your success or failure and a smart break management system you have no more excuses left not to work on it. It’s not hard, stop procrastinating and just get that shit done!

– Improve your productivity by using your motivation at the start to keep going. KABOOM!
– Stop procrastination by focusing on just one goal at a time, without distractions. YEAH!
– Set your own rewards and consequences to feel the joy or pain of (not) achieving your goal even more. HOOO-AAAH!
– Smart break management system that tells you when you’ve actually earned to randomly browse Facebook again. YAY!
– Get things done more easily by dividing them into subgoals. AWESOME!
– All wrapped in a simple, elegant and undistracting interface. WOW!

“With the internet in your pocket, it’s easy to get distracted. Put some blinders on and crank through your to-do list with the charmingly foul-mouthed Get Shit Done. The app lets you break your tasks down into sub-goals, set rewards for success and punishment for failure, and even doles out breaks as it sees fit, all with the cuddly softness of a grizzled drill sergeant.” – Gizmodo


“Sometimes a little tough love is called for when you’re trying to get things done, and Get Shit Done is an app that delivers in droves. The app approaches your to-dos in a fun and funny way that’s actually pretty inspiring—just don’t take it too seriously.” – Lifehacker

“This app is beautifully simple. This is just what I needed to get some work done without dicking around. It’s funny how much of an impact this has on my productivity.” – Arcin

“Thanks for making this app! I basically passed a class because of it… I couldn’t get myself to sit down and actually learn for the exam which I had to pass in one time, and when I found out about your app it got me a 7.1/10 for a subject I suck at!” – Thijs

“Get shit done! app actually helped me get shit done. This means something, because I have tried dozen of other software in the past.” @CreepiePies

If you have any suggestions or find any bugs: please email me at [email protected]! And now start getting shit done!

This was created in a four day project by an inexperienced developer (really smart though). It’s not perfect, and I can not guarantee that it works for your device. If that’s not the case please email me and I will try to fix it!


What’s New

v 1.5
* Added the ability to re-organize subgoal, during set up and while on a mission. BOOM!
* If you like the app I’ve now added a completely optional in-app purchase that works as a donate button. Nothing happens if you do or do not press that button, but it could be a way to say thanks and to support me to make the app better while keeping it (advertisement) free. YAY!


